4MNNovember 2011POSTMASTER Time Value Expedite MarineNewsISSN#1087-3864is published monthly, 12 times a year by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc., 118 East 25th Street, New York, N. Y. 10160-1062. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any misprints or claims and actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of this publication either in whole or in part may not be reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MarineNews,118 East 25th Street, New York, N.Y. 10160-1062. MarineNewsis published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports Inc. Periodicals Postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. ISSN#1087-3864 USPS#013-952Florida:215 NW 3rd St., Boynton Beach, FL 33435tel: (561) 732-4368; fax: (561) 732-6984New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271www.marinelink.com TO SUBSCRIBE:Subscriptions to Marine News(12 issues per year) for one year are available for $49.00; Two years (24 issues) for $64.00. Send your check payable to: MarineNews, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010. For more information email Kathleen Hickey at: k.hickey@marinelink.comPUBLISHERJohn C. O?Malley jomalley@marinelink.comAssociate Publisher & Editorial DirectorGreg Trauthwein trauthwein@marinelink.comEditorJoseph Keefe keefe@marinelink.comTel: 704-661-8475 Contributing WritersSusan Buchanan Raina Clark Lawrence R. DeMarcay, III Frederick B. Goldsmith Randy O?Neill Jim Shirley PRODUCTIONProduction ManagerIrina Tabakina tabakina@marinelink.comSALESVice President, Sales & MarketingRob Howard howard@marinelink.comSales Administration & Office Manager Rhoda Morgan morgan@marinelink.comSales & Event CoordinatorMichelle Howard mhoward@marinelink.comClassified Sales ManagerDale Barnett barnett@marinelink.comtel: 212-477-6700Advertising Sales ManagersNational Sales ManagerJack Bond bond@marinelink.comTel: 561-732-1659 Fax: 561-732-8063 Lucia Annunziata annunziata@marinelink.com Terry Breese breese@marinelink.comTel: 212-477-6700 Fax: 212-254-6271 Tel: 561-732-1185 Fax: 561-732-8414 Perry Grant grant@marinelink.comDawn Trauthwein dtrauthwein@marinelink.comTel: 561-732-0312 Fax: 561-732-9670 Tel: 631-472-2715 Fax: 631-868-3575 Mike Kozlowski kozlowski@marinelink.comTel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670 Managing Director, Intl. Sales Paul Barrett ieaco@aol.comTel: +44 1268 711560 Fax: +44 1268 711567 Uwe Riemeyer riemeyer@intermediapartners.deTel: +49 202 27169 0 Fax: +49 202 27169 20 CORPORATE STAFFManager, Accounting Services Rhoda Morgan morgan@marinelink.comManager, Public Relations Mark O?Malley momalley@marinelink.comManager, Marketing Jocelyn Redfern jredfern@marinelink.comManager, Info Tech Services Vladimir Bibik bibik@marinelink.comCIRCULATIONCirculation ManagerKathleen Hickey mncirc@marinelink.com MarineNewsLegal30The Jones Act, Medicare Set Asides & You Despite settling a personal injury claim, can you still have liability? By Larry DeMarcay Associations36Meet IMCAHealth & Safety, Technical Expertise for the Workboat Industry By Hugh Williams 6Editor?s Note 18 Boat of the Month 20OP/ED? NOIA on Energy & Jobs 68Profile: Markey Machinery 42Legal Beat ? by Frederick B. Goldsmith 46Boatbuilding? By Joe Hudspeth 64Propulsion ? Born Reliable 70Mariner?s Insurance ? By Randy O?Neill 78New Director for NY Canals 82Safety & Audit ? Start at the Top 86Vessels 92People & Company News 98Products 106Classifieds 112AD Index (Photo: Courtesy Calesurvey (www.calesurvey.com)On the Cover58 Hard Working BoatsWorkboats plying global offshore environments have evolved to meet a changing regulatory and business climate.Susan Buchanan and Joseph Keefe (p. 74) report. MN#11 (1-17) a:MN 2011 Layouts 11/3/2011 3:26 PM Page 4
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